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Focus Group Basics For Charities
At the time of writing, I was tasked with creating a volunteer training document for a client on how to run focus groups. This article comes off the back of my work on that document. I hope you find it useful for your non-profit cause. Everyone, including charities,...
Google for Nonprofits UK – Google Ads Explained
The Google for Nonprofits UK Programme includes - Google Apps for Non-Profits Google Ads Grant YouTube Non-Profit Programme Google Earth Outreach In this article, we are focusing on google ad grants. Non-profit organisations often ask me how to get their website top...
Can Volunteers Be Paid?
Sometimes, non-profit organisations find it challenging to entice would-be volunteers. They might think that they need to make their volunteer opportunities more appealing, for example, by giving some gift or reward. Throughout my years working with not for profits,...
How to Retain Volunteers
Have you come to this page looking for advice on how to retain volunteers? Then you will know how important volunteers are. The benefits of using volunteers are many. They are key to the successful delivery of your service. Filling all kinds of roles, they will help...
Community Outreach Using Community Volunteers
Your non-profit has a mission. You have a lot of work to do in the community. You know what you want to achieve, but you do not have the resources to do it. You are stretched too thin. Sound familiar?
National Volunteers Week
National Volunteers Week can be a great asset to your volunteer organisation. I often recommend it as a key event in the calendar for my clients. Used right, it can improve volunteer motivation, recruit volunteers and raise awareness. Its potential is worth planning...